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How to Cook Perfect Eggless Chocolate Pancakes

Eggless Chocolate Pancakes.

Eggless Chocolate Pancakes You can cook Eggless Chocolate Pancakes using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Eggless Chocolate Pancakes

  1. You need of Dry ingredients.
  2. It's 1 cup of maida/All-purpose Flour.
  3. You need 2 tbsp of cocoa powder.
  4. You need 4 tbsp of powdered sugar.
  5. Prepare 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder.
  6. It's 1/4 tsp of salt.
  7. Prepare of Wet ingredients.
  8. Prepare 1 cup of milk.
  9. It's 5 tbsp of buttermilk.
  10. You need 2 tbsp of melted butter.
  11. You need 1 tsp of vanilla essence.

Eggless Chocolate Pancakes step by step

  1. Firstly seive all the dry ingredients..
  2. Add all the wet ingredients to the mixture. Whisk them together to make a fine batter..
  3. Heat the pan and add some butter on the pan. Pour approximately 1/4th cup of batter on the pan and spread it like a circle..
  4. Wait until the edges are dry and then flip it carefully. Cook on the other side also..
  5. Take the pancakes in a plate and drizzle some chocolate syrup over it. Serve hot..

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