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Recipe: Yummy Eggless banana pancake & spinach omelette

Eggless banana pancake & spinach omelette. Eggless banana pancakes recipe - Soft, fluffy and delicious banana pancakes made without eggs. Indeed these pancakes are one of the healthiest I have ever tried so far. Vanilla essence..for eggless pancakes, and after lots of searching, I found a few pancake recipes and fine-tuned It tastes wonderful with honey, or, if using apples instead of bananas, apple jam!

Eggless banana pancake & spinach omelette You can serve these tempting green cardamom flavored pancake in breakfast or. Make our Banana Pancakes Recipe for a healthier breakfast! These eggless pancakes have a natural sweetness with the same fluffy texture of regular pancakes. You can cook Eggless banana pancake & spinach omelette using 19 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Eggless banana pancake & spinach omelette

  1. Prepare 2 of egg.
  2. It's 2 pinches of Pepper.
  3. You need as per taste of Salt.
  4. Prepare 1 cup of Spinach red.
  5. Prepare 1/2 piece of Onion.
  6. It's 1 of Green chilli.
  7. It's 1 tspn of Garlic.
  8. You need 1 nos of De seeded Tomato.
  9. Prepare 1 tbspn of Coconut oil.
  10. It's as required of Coriander leaves for garnishing.
  11. You need of Banana pan cake.
  12. Prepare 1 cup of Maida.
  13. Prepare 4 nos of Small Banana.
  14. You need 1 pinch of Salt.
  15. Prepare 1 cup of Milk.
  16. You need 1 tsp of Vanilla essence.
  17. You need r1 tsp of baking powder.
  18. You need 1 tbsp of Sugar.
  19. It's 2 tbsp of Refined oil.

These quick and easy banana pancakes are dairy-free and eggless. Eggless Banana Pancakes: These pancakes can make us bananas!!! I simply mean just go bananaswith these eggless banana pancakes. A very quick and simple breakfast recipe for kids and.

Eggless banana pancake & spinach omelette instructions

  1. In a bowl add 2 egg then add pepper powder and salt whisk it.
  2. Heat a pan pour some coconut oil then add onion green chilli & garlic saute it well.then add spinach and tomato saute for 3 minutes. then add whisked egg cook for 5 minutes in meduim flame garnish it with coriander leaves.pour some oil to the sides of omelette.turn in to other side cook for 2 minutes.spinach omelette is ready to serve.
  3. Banana pan cake: in a blender add banana,maida,baking powder,salt,sugar,milk,refined oil,vanilla essence make it a nice paste.
  4. Heat a tawa in medium flame and pour batter.close and cook for 2 minutes in low flame and flip and cook for 1 the tasty pan cake is ready to can serve with honey,nutella,maple syrup,fruits etc.

Eggless Banana Pancake Recipe is a healthy and easy breakfast recipe. Eggless Banana pancake is made with over-ripe bananas and whole-wheat flour. Make these foolproof dairy and egg-free banana pancakes. A guaranteed crowd pleaser with a fluffy, light texture, you'd never. Banana pancake is the most easy and satisfying use of leftover bananas which no one is consuming due to bananas being turned ripe or Video recipe of Eggless whole wheat banana pancake recipe. eggless banana pancakes.

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